Tag Archive for: water
LifeCycle of a Drop of Water
/in Clean Water, TenneSEA/by Mary Beth SuttonYou’ve probably all see the lifecycle of water as a poster…What about a popup Picture book?
Revolution ( Life Cycle of a Drop of Water). from Chris Turner on Vimeo.
Even Head of The Hooch regatta wants clean water!
/in Clean Water, Conservation, Domestic, TenneSEA/by Mary Beth SuttonI have to brag on the Chattanooga Junior Rowers crew…..Katie and Lizze nearly fell in a very cold Tennessee River trying to get the litter out that had blown in from the regatta site. Just think if our river was covered in trash….would the Head of the Hooch want to hold its regatta in Chattanooga? Would the long distance swimmers Swim the Suck and keep swimming for 10 miles down the river? We have issues with our river…from sewage to medications, but it still keeps flowing. Chattanooga has such spectacular outdoor resources….let’s make sure the water is respected, too.
Bill Gates: Changing the way we poop
/in Clean Water, sewage, toilets, Uncategorized/by Mary Beth SuttonEven though waste disposal is something that we take for granted in America, 4 out of 10 people worldwide don’t have an environmentally friendly way to poop. Or health-friendly either – poop in the water can spread many viral and bacterial diseases, and can distribute some fun parasites too. But of course we can’t stop pooping, and it’s not realistic or even possible to put in sewer or septic tank systems in every home (and without proper maintenance and care, those sewers and septic tanks may be worthless anyway), so what do we do?
Last year, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation set out to answer that question – through a call for submissions for a completely reinvented toilet that minimizes water use and works efficiently and cheaply enough to put into homes worldwide. Now they are going through submissions and announcing the winners. Check out the new toilets and more about the Gates Foundation’s work at http://www.thegatesnotes.com/Topics/Development/Reinvent-the-Toilet-Challenge-Photo-Gallery
Would you put any of them in your home?

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