Save Water, Drink Wine 2017 was FABULOUS!

Thanks to the team! Missing are Cat Vogel and Danielle Wennerstrom
Thanks for the great welcome back! Save Water, Drink Wine was so fabulous this year!!! Many thanks to our SPONSORS and VOLUNTEERS and EVERYONE WHO CAME for making this our best year yet!
Our organizing committee went above and beyond to make it a smashing success. Cindy Webster, Patrick Emmanuel and Matt Ryan started things off by shaking it up a little and our ever dedicated crew led by Christine Bock and Jenn Grymes and including Catie Vogel.Bruce Blohm, Danielle Anderson, Susan Russell, Crystal Bishop,Sara Neuman, Allie Johnson and Randy Hale…they brought us a fabulous night. My hat is off to them! Many, many thanks for everything you have done!
Our Sponsors made this event possible, especially The Barn Nursery! The other logos you see are sponsors who care about our environment and our mission of clean water for all! We appreciate each and every one of you.
This year we featured watersheds around the Chattanooga area and the great work some of our partners are doing, like the Tennessee River Gorge Trust, The Tennessee Aquarium, The South Chickamauga Creek Greenway Alliance and the Water Quality Departments of the City of Chattanooga and Hamilton County.
Here’s our passport to watersheds….such good work being done around our area to protect our water!
Enjoy some photos of the event!