All donations will help protect and restore this urban wildlife sanctuary where kids learn and play and a diversity of wildlife abounds. You can walk in the woods beside the creek and think you are miles from everyone, yet Horse Creek Farms, Komatsu, Red Bank Elementary and Four Squares Office complex are just a stone’s throw away.
Our first goal is to restore a stream bank beside Red Bank Elementary School. Next? Reduce Stormwater flooding into the creek and protect the creek banks as a wildlife corridor. Could we possibly create a “no spray’ zone so our butterflies and birds won’t be impacted?
Will you help?
Donate for our #GivingTuesday campaign and Save Mountain Creek!


Support us by visiting the Gear Closet
Visit the Gear Closet to shop for or donate your gently used outdoor gear and clothing!
Hours and Info
Tuesday - Friday: 12-6 pm
Saturday: 10 am-6 pm
Sunday: 1-6 pm
Closed Mondays
1510 Riverside Drive
Chattannooga, Tennessee 37406
Call 423-413-3298 or
Email Mary Beth at
We can always use donations!
And Sponsors!
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Contact Information
Nonprofit 501c(3)
EIN: 20-1065856
EIN: 20-1065856