Belize Clean Water Camp
/in Uncategorized/by Mary Beth SuttonIt was Coral Reef Day at Clean Water Camp for San Mateo kids in Belize! We did a lot of studying how the coral reef was alive and the diversity of life found there. Everyone here likes to and needs to fish so losing fish populations would be a huge problem for them! Then the boys found a large stingray that was injured. We took her to cooler water using a piece of cloth as a stretcher. The kids were treated by Ecologic Divers to a snorkel trip to Hol Chan and Shark Ray Alley. They were amazed!! The squeals of turtle turtle turtle!!! could be heard across the reef!!
Bill Gates: Changing the way we poop
/in Clean Water, sewage, toilets, Uncategorized/by Mary Beth SuttonEven though waste disposal is something that we take for granted in America, 4 out of 10 people worldwide don’t have an environmentally friendly way to poop. Or health-friendly either – poop in the water can spread many viral and bacterial diseases, and can distribute some fun parasites too. But of course we can’t stop pooping, and it’s not realistic or even possible to put in sewer or septic tank systems in every home (and without proper maintenance and care, those sewers and septic tanks may be worthless anyway), so what do we do?
Last year, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation set out to answer that question – through a call for submissions for a completely reinvented toilet that minimizes water use and works efficiently and cheaply enough to put into homes worldwide. Now they are going through submissions and announcing the winners. Check out the new toilets and more about the Gates Foundation’s work at
Would you put any of them in your home?
Headed to Belize!
/in Uncategorized/by Mary Beth SuttonCaribbean SEA is collaborating with Belize Community Conservation, an NGO based in Canada to bring Clean Water Camp and improved water and sanitation to the community of San Mateo. They have been plagued with illness and death due to contaminated drinking water. Rotary International is also involved by providing some water filters. Belize is Fun is one of our sponsors. It takes us all to tackle these issues! What can you do?
SEA Creatures!!
/in Uncategorized/by Mary Beth SuttonI have been working on a project for the better part of this year, and I am just so excited about it that I can’t keep it under wraps any longer!
Last May, I interviewed and chose 36 wonderful rising Form 4 and 5 students from 5 secondary schools around Saint Lucia. Last week, these students were able to go to our 6th annual Rainforest Camp so that they could learn more about their island. We went snorkeling in the mangroves of Marigot and the reefs of Anse Chastanet. We hiked (and hiked and hiked) through the Des Cartier Trail in the rainforest. We learned about biodiversity, especially in (terrestrial and aquatic) insects and learned about seed adaptations in plants. We also played lots of fun games that teach about animal life here in Saint Lucia. Everything was so much fun but I really feel like everyone learned a lot about the biodiversity of the island!
As exciting as camp was, I’m even more excited about what comes next! These students now will be leading environmental clubs (called SEA Creatures Clubs) in the primary schools around the island so that they can pass on the things that they learned at camp! Every time I talk to my students, I am just so proud and amazed by their enthusiasm and willingness to give back to their communities. It makes me so anxious for school to start! But not too soon… I still have a lot of planning to do for primary school lessons now!
Thank you SEA Stars for making my job so much fun! 😀
Degrees of Thirst
/in Uncategorized/by Mary Beth SuttonI love infographics and so I was thrilled when I got an email from the creators of this infographic about their “Degrees of Thirst”. Here is your reminder for today to conserve water!!
Created by:
Water Fun Facts
/in Uncategorized/by Mary Beth SuttonCheck out the water trivia on our Water Quiz page!
See how many random facts about water you know!
Project CENTS
/in Uncategorized/by Mary Beth SuttonFor those teachers looking to add environmental education to their K-8 curriculum, there’s a great new resource from the TDOE! It’s called Project CENTS (Conservation Education Now for Tennessee Students), and it lists activities from such groups as Project WET, WILD, and Learning Tree, along with the Tennessee standards they correspond to! So if you’re looking for a particular activity set for your grade, check out their comprehensive list and then consult the posted activity guides.
Project Cents is located here. Thanks to all the teachers and staff who cross-checked and verified the activities and standards to make it easy for the rest of us!
Water Quality Curriculum
/in Uncategorized/by Mary Beth SuttonNew – check out all the activities we’ve been doing this year in our education and outreach! Many thanks to Project WET for ideas or activities from their curriculum and to the Alabama Department of Environmental Management.
Tennessee American and TenneSEA!
/in Uncategorized/by Mary Beth SuttonTennessee American Water Company is embarking on its first annual community grant-giving in Chattanooga! And TenneSEA has been chosen as one of the recipients of the grant!!
Mary Beth picked up our check this week in a ceremony to honor all the award recipients. Joining our ranks are South Chickamauga Creek Greenway Alliance, Tennessee Aquarium, Howard High School, and Lookout Mountain Conservancy.
Our grant will go towards installing rain garden plants at a school along Mountain Creek and hosting a rain garden workshop. We’re excited to make this green installation happen!!

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