Sapelo Island
/in Clean Water, Conservation, education, Education, teaching, Tennessee Valley/by NaomiTeacher training goes back to Sapelo Island!
/in Conservation, Domestic, Education, teaching/by NaomiThanks to VW Chattanooga, our teacher training workshop on Sapelo Island is happening again! It’s a great place to learn about coastal ecology but also get energized along side other teacher all organized by the fabulous Jim Watson. Teacher education goes to the coast! Read more
Dennery Caribbean SEA Young Adults Helping with Whiptail Survey on Maria Islands
/in Caribbean, CaribbeanSEA, Conservation/by Mary Beth SuttonDennery Caribbean SEA young adults helping with whiptail survey on Maria Islands with Durrell Wildlife Conservation Trust and the National Trust of St Lucia!
We attended the Media and Youth Workshop in Trinidad in 2014
/in Caribbean, Clean Water, Conservation/by Mary Beth SuttonWhat does the Caribbean Student Environmental Alliance do? Where do we go? Well – we were invited to speak and teach in Trinidad and Tobago!
A description of the Workshop:
The workshop was executed under the GWP-C’s Water, Climate and Development Programme (WACDEP).
Clean Water Camp 2014 Video
/in Clean Water, Conservation, TenneSEA/by Mary Beth SuttonWe just don’t work in the Caribbean – Clean Water is a bit of a problem everywhere. Check out this video for the work done on South Chickamauga Creek.
The Clean water camp is one of the things we do locally in Tennessee/Georgia.
Giving Tuesday
/in Clean Water, Conservation, HELP!, TenneSEA/by Mary Beth Sutton
Today is Giving Tuesday. Please consider the Caribbean SEA and TenneSEA Kids 4 Clean Water in your charitable giving plans.
During the busy holiday season, please consider helping Caribbean and TenneSEA provide programs for Students and Communities to better protect and restore our precious water. From rain gardens at schools in Tennessee to constructed wetlands and latrines in under developed countries, our kids are leading the way to better water (and learning Science and Engineering at the same time)!
There are 3 ways you can help!
- Donate using the button to the right!
- Sign up for Amazon Smile and designate the Caribbean Student Environmental Alliance as your favorite charity. Amazon will now donate 0.5% of the price of your eligible AmazonSmile purchases to the Caribbean Student Environmental Alliance when you shop at AmazonSmile.
- Volunteer! We can use volunteers for event, student projects, restoration projects and in the Gear Closet!
Even Head of The Hooch regatta wants clean water!
/in Clean Water, Conservation, Domestic, TenneSEA/by Mary Beth SuttonI have to brag on the Chattanooga Junior Rowers crew…..Katie and Lizze nearly fell in a very cold Tennessee River trying to get the litter out that had blown in from the regatta site. Just think if our river was covered in trash….would the Head of the Hooch want to hold its regatta in Chattanooga? Would the long distance swimmers Swim the Suck and keep swimming for 10 miles down the river? We have issues with our river…from sewage to medications, but it still keeps flowing. Chattanooga has such spectacular outdoor resources….let’s make sure the water is respected, too.
Great Ocean Facts
/in Conservation, Coral/by Mary Beth SuttonConservation International sent out an email today with these great facts on it! I just can’t help but share them with you!!
70 Percent of the Earth’s surface is covered by oceans.
1 Percent of the Earth’s oceans are protected.
1 billion People worldwide depend on the ocean as their main source of protein.
52 Percent of the world’s fisheries are fully exploited. Another 20 percent are moderately exploited, and 19 percent are over-exploited.
3/4 Of tropical commercial fish depend on mangrove forests for food, habitat, breeding or nursery grounds.
Up to 35 Percent of the world’s mangrove forests have been destroyed in the last 30 years.
1,400 Pounds – potential weight of a northern bluefin tuna. Top predators like this one are vital to the ocean food chain.
90 Percent of large predatory fish populations—including cod, shark and bluefin tuna—have disappeared worldwide due to unsustainable fishing practices.
1 in 4 Of all marine species live in coral reef ecosystems. (It’s no wonder reefs are often called “the tropical rainforests of the ocean.”)
20 Percent of the world’s coral reefs have been lost to date. Another 20 percent are degraded.
70-80 Percent of the oxygen we breathe is produced by the ocean.
150,000+ Is the combined size in square miles of pollution-caused “dead zones”—marine habitats that no longer support oxygen-using species. That’s larger than the state of Montana.
97 Percent of all water on earth is located in the planet’s oceans.
1 The number of “blue planets” called Earth.
In related news, Mary Beth and I will be doing Reef Check from the coast of the Dominican Republic during the first week of August! We will get to check the state of some reefs that are relatively untouched by other divers. Hopefully this will mean that the reef is more pristine (though I hate blaming reef degradation on my fellow divers, we do have a large impact on the underwater environment), but even the most remote reefs have been showing stress. Corals are extremely delicate animals (yes, they are animals!) and although they are also quite resilient, they can’t recover from the stress of pollution, disease, overfishing and heat if the stress never goes away! But that’s why we’re here! To show communities all around the Caribbean (including all of you in the US!!!) the importance of the reef systems and how to protect them!

Support us by visiting the Gear Closet
Visit the Gear Closet to shop for or donate your gently used outdoor gear and clothing!
Hours and Info
Tuesday - Friday: 12-6 pm
Saturday: 10 am-6 pm
Sunday: 1-6 pm
Closed Mondays
1510 Riverside Drive
Chattannooga, Tennessee 37406
Call 423-413-3298 or
Email Mary Beth at
We can always use donations!
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EIN: 20-1065856